CODA, surdopedagog, nauczycielka w Instytucie Głuchoniemych w Warszawie. Na Wydziale Polonistyki UW obroniła pracę doktorską na temat opisu gramatycznego polskiego języka migowego. Wykładowca na Studiach Podyplomowych „Polski Język Migowy” na Wydziale Polonistyki UW. Tłumacz i lektor PJM na UW. Członek zarządu Stowarzyszenia Tłumaczy Polskiego Języka Migowego. Wiceprezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Surdopedagogicznego. Prezes zarządu Instytutu Polskiego Języka Migowego. Za­in­te­re­so­wa­nia badawcze: glottodydaktyka, nauczanie PJM jako języka pierwszego i obcego, dwujęzyczne nauczanie Głuchych.

CODA (Child of Deaf Adults), teacher of the deaf in the Institute for the Deaf in Warsaw. In the process of writing her PhD dissertation on grammatical analysis of Polish Sign Language at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Polish Studies. Lecturer at the „Polish Sign Language” Postgraduate Studies in the Faculty of Polish Studies. Interpreter and teacher of PJM at the University of Warsaw. Vice-president of the Association of Polish Sign Language Interpreters, vice-president of Polish Society of Deaf Educators. President of the Institute of Polish Sign Language. Research interests: foreign language pedagogy, teaching PJM as a first/foreign language, bilingual education of the Deaf.

Deaf by birth, he is a teacher of PJM (Polish Sign Language) at the University of Warsaw, as well as a lecturer in ”Deaf Culture” subject area at “Polish Sign Language” Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw. He is also a volunteer in Deaf Culture Promotion Foundation KOKON and an active member of numerous cultural events and conferences connected
with the Deaf community.

Academic interests: Deaf culture , PJM (Polish Sign Language) grammar and its vernaculars.