An article (in Polish) by Paweł Rutkowski and Małgorzata Talipska from the UW Section for Sign Linguistics has appeared in the book “Edukacja niesłyszących – wczoraj, dziś i jutro” [Education of the Hearing Impaired – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow] published by the University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź. The abstract is as follows:
“This article discusses the most important issues involved in the academic education of the Deaf in Poland, as members of the linguistic minority of signers. The questions addressed include the problem of relatively low numbers of Deaf students at Polish higher-education institutions, the legal status of the academic studies of people with disabilities (including signers), the role of Polish Sign Language (PJM) as a medium of communication on the academic level, and also the need to provide the Deaf with additional support for their studies (e.g. by employing note-taking assistants).
Lastly, the article touches upon an important issue: the need to provide Deaf students with opportunities to continually improve their communication silks in Polish as a nonnative language.